Register hotkey in system for WPF application
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- reading: 3 minutes
Couple days ago I got a question about how to register hotkey in Windows for WPF application. I remembered that one year ago I was solving the same problem in WinForms application, I was registering hot keys for my application, it was Vista Keys Extender project. I knew that my project worked, so I suggested author of question to use code of my project to solve his problem. But as we learned later in WPF message handle mechanism different from WinForms. So I started to find solution for WPF application. I copied my old code from my old project and started to rewrite it step-by-step.
First off all we need to import WinAPI methods:
``` internal class HotKeyWinApi { public const int WmHotKey = 0x0312; [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, ModifierKeys fsModifiers, Keys vk); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id); } ```In Vista Keys Extender project I implemented own enum KeyModifiers, but in WPF I don’t need to do this, because it has System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys, which equals to my own enum. Also in my old project I used System.Windows.Forms.Keys, but in WPF enum System.Windows.Input.Key different, it has other values. I didn’t want to set reference from my new WPF project to assembly System.Windows.Forms, because I need just one enum. So I copied this enum from assembly to my new WPF project. Ok, so I did all preparations and now I need to realize main class HotKey:
``` public sealed class HotKey : IDisposable { public event ActionAnd small sample of using:
``` public partial class MainWindow : Window { private HotKey _hotkey; public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Loaded += (s, e) => { _hotkey = new HotKey(ModifierKeys.Windows | ModifierKeys.Alt, Keys.Left, this); _hotkey.HotKeyPressed += (k) => Console.Beep(); }; } } ```You can look and download source code of this sample from my public SVN repository at assembla.
See Also
- Регистрация горячей клавиши (hotkey) в системе для WPF приложения
- Вебкаст - Prism: Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight
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